Women face a lot of health issues because many are not educated about how important women’s health is. We usually hear about teenage girls getting pregnant, unhealthy babies being born, or sometimes even women dying from giving birth. We know of women having cases of ovarian, cervical, or breast cancer.
So what do we really need to understand about women’s health? Just like men, we are just as susceptible to developing these types of conditions and diseases but not all of us are aware of factors that increase our risk. We women must always give importance to our overall health and our well-being because only through this will we be able to perform their duties as mothers and wives, or as career women. And this does not only refer to our physical health but to our emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. We need to keep everything intact to make sure that we are able to run our households well and keep balance in our lives.
Nutrition is vital in keeping our bodies healthy. Never skip meals. We need to have energy to make it through each day so be sure to take in unprocessed carbohydrates from whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Eat high-fiber fruits and veggies for better metabolism. We also need protein for strength which we can get from fish and poultry.
We need to be on the move. As we age, our metabolism slows down and taking in fiber may not be enough if we are inactive. Smoking and excessive drinking also increase our risk of certain cancers which is why it is beneficial to quit or limit alcohol intake to the daily recommendation which is one drink per day.
Leading a sedentary lifestyle, as we all know, is a risk factor of developing diseases. Stress, work load, as well as nutrition could also get the best of us which is why we have to be aware and make sure we give priority to women’s health.