You Don’t Need Them To Believe In You

You Don’t Need Them To Believe In You

They said I couldn’t. They said I wouldn’t
They said they didn’t believe in me.

 They said I couldn’t because of my circumstances. 
I couldn’t because of my past…
 Because it hadn’t been done before…
I said: So what.
You can complain and remain the same, or you can DECIDE, COMMIT and work towards becoming someone that NO ONE thought you could be.
You can make all the excuses in the world, we’ve heard them all…. but those that get on in life LEAVE the excuses – and LOOK for the possibilities.
You might have had it tough, you might have had it real tough – but it aint getting any better if you LIVE there.

 You have to drop the little story and work toward your masterpiece.
You see it so often, stories of those with almost identical painful life circumstances:

 One chooses to live in the pain forever, repeating the reasons why they can’t succeed, why they can’t move on.

 The other, uses the pain as their REASON WHY they must change. The use their pain as STRENGTH. They use the people who don’t believe in them as MOTIVATION to succeed, not a reason why they can’t.
When things don’t go their way, they don’t say “WHY ME”
 They say “SO WHAT” they say “TRY ME!”

 When things don’t go their way, they KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
Your family isn’t perfect – SO WHAT
! You failed in your past – SO WHAT
! You didn’t get to go to college – SO WHAT! 
You don’t know where to start SO WHAT! 
Someone did wrong by you SO WHAT!
Most people seem to think that life is against them somehow.
 Very few understand life is challenging, that is all
 I accept life’s challenge. 
I plan to work on myself so I can win, not just one day, but everyday.
So what they don’t believe in you?
 You don’t need them to believe in you.
 They’re not doing the work – YOU ARE
. They’re not growing and learning – YOU ARE
. They’re not committed to your dream – YOU ARE! 
They’re not in love with your vision – YOU ARE.

 They don’t define your success – YOU DO! 
They don’t DEICDE if you will put in the work required to make it. YOU DO!
Nobody gets a perfect life.
 Everyone of us face different challenges. 
That is life. 
You’re not punishing anyone but yourself with your EXCUSES.
You choose:
 Be the victim or the victor.

 You choose to be the one who gave up BECAUSE of their problems OR the one who succeeded DESPITE their challenges.
Successful people don’t always ‘feel like it’ – THEY DO IT ANYWAY.
Take the first step. Get some momentum.
Don’t EVER stop working for your dream.
If you REALLY WANT IT you will PLAN for it.
If you REALLY WANT IT you will WORK for it.
If you REALLY WANT IT you will SACRIFICE for it.
So what life hasn’t gone as planned. 
It doesn’t for anyone.
 All the pain – that’s in the past. Do you want to drag it into your future too?

 You have that choice.
 You can remain the victim, and LIVE in the pain for the rest of your days, 
or – you can drop it like a hot potato and MOVE on with your life.

 Leave the pain behind and FOCUS on BUILDING your future.
 Full of possibilities. Full of growth.

 Push yourself. 
Surprise yourself.
 See how far you can go with your life.



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