Most people understand that improving physical strength, it takes time, work and commitment. You need to practice and train your muscles, and a routine that will produce results over time. Your muscles respond to the various challenges through growth and become stronger.
While the brain is not a muscle, it acts as one. In a sense, it can be shaped like the muscles to become stronger and healthier over time. You can improve brain power through simple techniques, to help things like memory, cognitive function, and much more.
So how do you train your brain "to improve these functions, and make it stronger, and improve its strength? Let's take a look at some simple things you can do almost every day to improve the brain's power, and become more mentally fit than ever before.
1. Exercise
You probably already know how great regular exercise is for your body. The brain is no exception. Starting an exercise routine can help your mental fitness in many ways. Not only can it help to give you more energy and release endorphins that will make you want to be more productive throughout the day, but its lasting effects on the brain are equally as important.
Exercising improves your brain’s cognition, and even your memory. Finally, it can help to slow down brain degeneration. As we get older, our brain function can deteriorate slightly. Regular exercise fights back against this degeneration, leaving your brain stronger and healthier, no matter how old you are.
2. Play Games/Puzzles
There are multiple brain benefits to playing games and doing puzzles. Every puzzle is different, and they can help to keep your brain function from going stagnant. It’s stimulation that can help to improve your memory and speed up your reaction time.
One of the best puzzle games you can play for brain function is Tetris. Tetris helps in performing spatially-related tasks. It is great for people who have experienced traumatic events, and want to forget. Studies have been done on the game that suggest it can keep your brain from solidifying traumatic memories if it is played after the event.
3. Proper Nutrition
Much like eating for the health of your body, you should also eat for the overall health of your brain. In today’s busy world, convenience food and fast food have taken over many peoples diets. We are often on the move too much to make conscious, healthy choices. But, by taking the time to plan out what you are going to put into your body is essential.
The good news is, eating well for brain function is as easy as eating well for the rest of your overall health! If you choose a diet that is rich in antioxidants, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, you will be helping your brain as much as the rest of your body. Antioxidants can help to improve cognitive function. Even a glass of red wine every now and then can be beneficial. You don’t have to give up all of your favorite foods in order to boost your brain power. In fact, you may be surprised to find out that some of your favorite healthy treats can strengthen your mind and body.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep is another aspect of our lives that can be easily be overlooked. We know we need it, but many of us do not get the right amount of sleep for healthy brain function. Sleep is a necessity when it comes to basic brain activity, strong cognitive function, and memory.
Without enough sleep, the gray matter of your frontal lobe can begin to weaken. The frontol lobe is what controls your memory. Not getting enough sleep can literally make you ‘lose’ parts of your brain that are extremely important.
If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from a sleep condition, or you have trouble getting enough sleep at night, seeking out some kind of treatment is important. When you get back on the right track toward healthy sleeping, you will see undeniable differences in your body, and your brain.
5. Meditation
Meditation and deep breathing exercises are a great way to refocus your mind, de-stress, and boost your brain power. Meditation is more than just some ‘fad,’ it’s actually a practice that has been around for years, providing a huge list of benefits.
One of the biggest benefits, however, is that it helps to lower stress levels. What does that do for your brain? It allows you to focus on other important things, improving your overall cognitive process. Meditation has also been known to reduce the risk of memory disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease.
It only takes a few minutes of meditation each day to reap the rewards. Take the time out of your day to make this habit a priority, and you’ll be giving yourself the gift of lasting cognitive health.
6. Sunlight and Vitamin D
Did you know that getting enough sun is important for your brain’s health? We all love to spend as much time in the sun as possible when the weather is nice, and you probably already know that Vitamin D from the sun’s rays is good for your body. But, it’s also good for your brain.
Vitamin D from the sun allows your brain to perform at a higher, faster level, and can even slow down the aging process of the brain, improving long-term memory and allowing you to remain more cognitively alert, even as you get older.
Some people have concerns about too much sunlight affecting their skin. It is important to be safe and protect yourself if you spend a lot of time out in the sun. But, if you’re worried about those potential risks, you can always supplement your diet with Vitamin D tablets. They will offer the same lasting positive effects, without the risk of UV rays. I personally use the supplement Mastermind by ReviveActive. I found that after just a few days of taking this I felt more alert, less tired and much more focused. Each serving contains key nutrients such as Vitamin D, Uridine, Choline, Omega 3, B vitamins and Zinc which contribute to brain and cognitive function.
You can use the discount code PO15 for 15% off all ReviveActive products with free worldwide delivery.
Boosting Brain Power for Years to Come
As you can see, there are many ways to help improve your memory, speed up your reaction time, and boost your brain power. Most of the suggestions on this list can help to improve your cognitive function quickly, and provide results that will last.
It can be easy to forget to take care of one of the most essential organs in our body, because we become so easily distracted by other areas of life. Sometimes, even physical fitness takes priority over brain fitness. But, it’s crucial to focus on both. The more you train your mind now, the better off you will be later in life.
The best part? These suggestions are easy to do. Most of them only require just a few minutes of time, or a simple lifestyle change. Make the right choices for your body and brain, and you’ll see rewards that can last a lifetime.