1. Stationary Bike – 20 minutes
Men’s Health recommends doing a four-minute warm-up ride on low resistance. Ride as fast as possible for 40 seconds, then pedal slowly for a 20-second recovery. Repeat 10 times. Ride as fast as possible for 20 seconds, then rest for 10. Repeat six times. Set the bike to a low resistance and ride slowly for three minutes to cool down.
2. Rowing Machine – 20 minutes
Do a warm-up row on a resistance of about five for three minutes. Elevate the resistance to level 10, then row as hard and as fast as you can for 30 seconds. With the resistance still high, grab the handle with an underhand grip and row for 60 seconds at a moderate pace. Repeat seven times. Then alternate between rowing for 15 seconds at a fast pace and 15 seconds at a slow pace. Do this for seven minutes. Cool down at a slow pace for three minutes.
3. Alternating Chest Punches
All you need is a resistance band to complete this fast-paced, muscle-building workout from Today.com. With your feet hip-width apart, stand with one foot forward and the other back. Then, with your resistance band looped around a bar or doorknob behind you, punch right and left. Do this 100 times on each side.
4. Static Kettle Bell Lunge
In order to build lean muscle specifically in your legs, try this move from Muscle and Fitness. Start by holding a kettle bell on either side of your body, palms inward. Keep your left foot forward and right foot about 30 inches behind you, on the ball of your foot. Keep knees slightly bent with your head facing forward, spine straight. Then, lower your right knee until it’s one inch off the floor. Raise up, pushing off your front leg without locking your knees. Keep feet in place and do two sets of 20 reps on each leg.