Basic Nutrition Rules to Recover After the Game

    However, not all athletes realise what they are to eat and when after they workout. So, in this article, we will introduce you to ground rules on recovery nutrition.

    1. Get a snack after thirty minutes after the workout. Do not postpone for more than an hour after you perform a regular exercise. You should get enough carbs at this time, so opt for chicken breasts, rice or tofu. It doesn’t have to be a huge meal. Even a sandwich or a bowl of rice with meat will do.
    2. Have a substantial lunch in two hours. On this stage, you should get a bowl full of carbs. Therefore, opt for beans, burgers (no sour cream), fish rolls, or salads with grains. Balance it all out by getting a “whole plate” half of which is whole grains, one-fourth is high protein foods, and one-fourth is fruit and veggies.
    3. After three to four hours after the game or workout, you should get a proper lunch. You probably know that eating every three or four hours is an optimal choice for athletes. So, at this point get your regular meal with the same proportions of a “whole plate” we mentioned above (stir fry with rice, sandwiches, and salads go well at this stage).
    Moreover, remember that drinking water is essential given how much liquid you are losing when sweating. So, spread drinking out not to overwhelm your body with too much liquid at once.



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