Carb loading principle: What is and how it works?

Let's face it, if you're looking to lose fat and build muscle, you're going to have to eat less, eat healthy food, drink more water, and do more cardiovascular training and resistance right? Well, not exactly. Now we know what you think "Oh great, another complex diet can not even Fadi" and to be honest, things so lately, and we do the least work Nlomk.

It seems that everywhere you look, in terms of weight loss, a person tells you to do one thing, while another will tell you to do exactly the opposite, quite contrary to what he said last no one. Some people will tell you not to eat fat at all, while others will tell you to eat fat, but cut your carbohydrates, others will tell you that large amounts of protein is your friend, and before you Know, re-afraid to eat lettuce leaves in the event that it destroys all your hard work in the gym.

Fat loss and get a complex shape, but if you understand the physiology of the basic members of the human body, and understand how it works, things suddenly become more straightforward to come to understand, and maybe something Once seemed stupid also in terms of weight loss, both actually make a sudden feeling full. It is an excellent example of this is based on the idea known as carb loading nutrition, which have proved to be controversial too, but they are very effective at the same time.

What is Carpe downloading?

First, if we asked you to label the foods you should eat to lose weight and increase muscle mass, what do you say? Chicken? Authority? The brown rice vegetables? The egg white? Basically, foods that are traditionally regarded as a healthy and balanced right? What about pizza, ice cream, biscuits, chocolate? Yes, I read it, and we'll tell you more about it soon.
In short, carb loading is a way of eating which you charge each of the carbohydrates you consume, so that pre-workout, you do not consume carbohydrates and one at all. Now, first of all that may seem shocking to many of you, like carbohydrates before a workout allows you to get through each session. Well, do not be too quick to throw in the towel because it is pre-workout, you must consume healthy fats and lean protein, and provide all your carbohydrates immediately after exercise.
So to be clear, pre-workout and lifting weights, you should eat and drink without minimum carbohydrates, and do not consume them immediately after exercise. Now, if you're still not sure, we'll get back to the part of the pizza and ice cream we talked about earlier. When talking about carbohydrates immediately after exercise, we're not talking about rice cakes, brown rice and boiled potatoes, whole wheat pasta, oh no. We are talking about ice cream, pizzas, candy, chocolate, cake, cookies, and much more.

How can you eat this kind of food help me build muscle and burn fat?
Before you stop reading and try to get divided by the Mental Health Act, do not worry, we went crazy and it's not the thoughtless joke late April back. Consumption Carbohydrates, which consist mainly of simple sugars allows the body to use it to their advantage much faster than can be done with complex carbohydrates. You see, when we consume carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose, as the body meant to be used for energy. This leads to high levels of blood sugar, which is when the pancreas produces insulin in order to control them and turn them down. To get rid of any excess, insulin then transported throughout the body into one of the muscles or fat cells.

Now if you have sat on the couch all day doing nothing, the body will rest well and definitely no need to repair or refund it will be transported to the fat cells, which leads to more fat in the body Are produced. However, this is where things really matter. If you have recently exercised and lifted weights in the gym, said in the last 60-90 minutes, and they will instead be transferred into the muscle cells, to help the body repair and rebuild muscle tissue and re -fill the glycogen. Now, because the rest of the time you have to avoid carbohydrates, and the desire for blood sugar remains, and this means that once the food of the carbohydrates has been transferred to the muscles, Is all there will be no left, so the body will not be able to store any increase in fat form in the body for a later date, which is usually what you will do if we have consumed Carbohydrates throughout the day.

What is a typical protocol example?

In order to get your body ready to eat this way, you will be asked to greatly limit your carbohydrate intake, which means that for a period of 10 days you should consume only a maximum of 30-50 grams of carbohydrates per serving. day. You will get your protein and fat diet, which should be fairly clean and balanced, so nothing too greasy or fried. The training will continue as usual, but after 10 days is over, this is where you get really fun. On your tenth day, no more than two hours after exercise, you should look to consume 1 gram of carbohydrates per pound of body weight, so if you weigh 250lbs, you will need 250 grams of carbohydrates, from simple sources like pizza , Cakes, fried potatoes, ice cream, cakes, and so on. You have to go to bed to look and feel swollen but satisfied, but after waking you will go your bloating, and you will look and feel good.

Now, in the days that do not form, do what I did in the first 10 days, and the days when you train, charge Carb like a madman, not only build muscle, you will also lose Grease at the same time.



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