At present, it seems difficult to adapt exercise in the daily routine we have, but maintaining our physical health can go a long way in preventing disease and general fatigue. Many men and women find that their stomach gives them more problems, and that you want to find a practice that really works, but it does not take much time out of their day. Well, you will be happy to know that doing this exercise a 2-4 minutes can help you through the belly fat breath while not spending a lot of time on the exercise itself.
You may be wondering how this may work very well probably because you do not need much time to do this but the practice has appeared in the daily women's magazine can turn your height into just 28 days! Call it "28 Planck Challenge. "You can get results from this exercise through slowly building strength and stamina more than a month, because you have practiced increases in order to increase endurance ability.
Because you must work your body a bit harder each day, it works to build strength and create lasting changes. Plus, you will likely feel the burn in other parts of your body that you use during this exercise, such as your legs and arms. The challenge begins at Week One with just 30-45 second holds, but it builds over time onto the final week, where you will hold the planks for 3-4 minutes at a time.
Although this challenge only takes one month to do, you should continue to incorporate exercises into your daily routine once you complete the challenge. This will give you a kickstart to a more healthy routine and lifestyle, but you must work to keep it up once the 28 days pass in order to maintain your strength and endurance. Here’s the plan for the 28 day challenge:
Day 1 – 20sec.
Day 2 – 20sec.
Day 3 – 30sec.
Day 4 – 30sec.
Day 5 – 40sec.
Day 6 – rest
Day 7 – 45sec.
Day 8 – 45sec.
Day 9 – 60sec.
Day 10 – 60sec.
Day 11 – 60sec.
Day 12 – 90sec.
Day 13 – rest
Day 14 – 90sec.
Day 15 – 90sec.
Day 16 – 120sec.
Day 17 – 120sec.
Day 18 – 150sec.
Day 19 – rest
Day 20 – 150sec.
Day 21 – 150sec.
Day 22 – 180sec.
Day 23 – 180sec.
Day 24 – 210sec.
Day 25 – rest
Day 26 – 210sec.
Day 27 – 240sec.
Day 28 – As long as you can