If you think you have the knowledge and potential to achieve your goals, but for some reason does not seem to be able to act and accomplish things, this publication is for you. At present, the lack of information is no longer a problem.
Maybe you already know how to start an online business. You know how to improve your fitness and you know how to earn more money and improve your social life.
Make more effort by changing your habits
But you do not have the discipline to apply the things you know every day. Discipline is what is lacking, not knowledge. So if you want to do more with your time to read and do things.
Set A Goal
I know this might sound cliché already, but it is the fundamental step you need to take if you want to achieve anything. You need to know where you are and where you want to go. Desire is the starting point of all individual achievement, so set a goal that you are passionate about, one that is inspiring.
You will know you have set a good goal when you are feeling two things: excitement and fear. You will feel excited about the goal because it is something that inspires you, something that you love doing.At the same time, if your goal is big enough, you will also feel fear because you know that it will take a whole lot of work to achieve that goal.Discovering your passion, or better yet, discovering a passion which you can turn into a money making business might be quite a challenge. Most people think of the things they are passionate about such as recreational activities which will not be suitable for a business.You might like playing video games. How can that be turned into a business model? Well, if you really sit down and consider the possibilities, you would actually come up with a ton of business ideas.You could work for a gaming company, you could do video game reviews on YouTube, you could build custom gaming PCs, you could get intro graphic design, animations, game story-line writing and so on and so forth.
My Own Personal Story
Here’s how it all started for me. First and foremost, finding out what your passion is might be unclear to you and that’s OK. That’s how it happens for everybody and that is how it happened for me as well.I’ve always liked watching motivational videos on YouTube. I just loved the emotion a video could transmit to the viewer. I loved how the background music goes so well with the images, how the speeches used in these videos give you goose bumps and how everything blends together perfectly creating a staggering clip.So what you may ask. There are millions of people around the world how like watching those kind of videos. How can that be turned into something lucrative?Well, because of it I started to get into video editing and create videos myself. Things picked up from there and before I know it I had a couple of clients who asked me if I can handle the video editing for them.So I started offering video editing services as a freelancer in no time. Soon after that I started Veedyou Media which now handles customers all over the world in various niches.Remember this. No matter how inappropriate your passion might seem at first, if you take the time and actually think about it a little bit you could probably come up with a handful of ideas related to your passion which can be turned into a legit business.
Introduction to Human Behavior
Have ever noticed that you are more likely to be unproductive throughout the day? Why do we oversleep instead of waking up 2 hours earlier and go to the gym? Why do we waste time TV shows instead of working on a personal project?And Why do we spend so time online looking at cat pictures (no disrespect intended), instead of taking action to earn more money?It just seems like our mind simply works against us, instead of for us. The truth is that the minyou d doesn’t really do neither of those things. We will just do whatever we are used to do. Our habits will pretty much determine what we do with our free time.
The issue is that we don’t actually get to build habits on our own. Our habits are determined genetically and environmentally.Self-preservation is an instinct that we inherited genetically, which makes us become lazy when we are feed and when we have a roof over our heads. Think about it a little bit.If you have a decent place to stay and a good paying job, you will be very likely to settle with that, right? Have you wondered why that is? It is simply the way we have been programmed. It is an instinct which all living creatures have.
Then, as a child we will copy the habits (both good or bad) of the people around us. As we grow up, until the age of around 4 years old, we don’t have a well-developed conscious mind to differentiate between the good and bad. We simply accept anything that we get thrown by the people around us.That’s pretty much how habits are formed. Now let’s see how we can change our habits and become more disciplined and more productive.
How the Mind Works
For an easier understanding of how the mind works, solely for the purpose of this article’s topic, we are going to use the over-simplified model of the mind which you can see below.