Top 10 Quotes Jim Carrey About Life

I’ve admired Jim Carrey and his work for a long time now, especially whens he adds comedic value to films that are fairly inspirational and meaningful.I’m talking about, of course, ‘Yes Man!’ and ‘Bruce Almighty’.You can’t not love those two inspirational films.Here are 10 awesome Jim Carrey quotes about life and fulfilment:

1. “I got a lot of support from my parents. That’s the one thing I always appreciated. They didn’t tell me I was being stupid; they told me I was being funny.” – Jim Carrey
2. “I wake up some mornings and sit and have my coffee and look out at my beautiful garden, and I go, ‘Remember how good this is. Because you can lose it.'” – Jim Carrey
3. “If you aren’t in the moment, you are either looking forward to uncertainty, or back to pain and regret.” – Jim Carrey
4. “Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.” – Jim Carrey
5. “I really believe in the philosophy that you create your own universe. I’m just trying to create a good one for myself.” – Jim Carrey

6. “I just want to be myself.” – Jim Carrey
7. “I tend to stay up late, not because I’m partying but because it’s the only time of the day when I’m alone and don’t have to be performing.” – Jim Carrey
8. “Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain’t desperate at some point, you ain’t interesting.” – Jim Carrey
9. “Maybe there is no actual place called hell. Maybe hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they’re eating sandwiches.” – Jim Carrey
10.People need motivation to do anything. I don’t think human beings learn anything without desperation.” – Jim Carrey



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