10 reasons to drink 3 liters of water per day (101 oz)

Who drinks water? Queen of England no. Three times the NBA champion LeBron James. Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking drinks water. Thus the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. In fact, everyone drinks beverages that give life. But do you drink enough? Doctors recommend to drink 3 liters of water a day in order to stay hydrated and do your best. Read on to find out all the health benefits of getting the recommended dose of H2O.

  • Cleanses toxins inside your body

By drinking 3 liters of water daily, it helps to flush out bacteria and toxins that are trapped withing your system. Studies show that by drinking more water, the kidneys get rid of the waste and toxins that pass through the liver.
  • Drink for clear glowing skin

Drinking water helps to hydrate your skin barrier, and flush out the bacteria underneath the surface of your skin that causes acne. Stress, your diet, environmental factors also trigger acne. If your skin is dehydrated or stressed, water can definitely help clear your skin.
  • Boosts immune system

Drinking water ensures that your blood will carry plenty of oxygen throughout the cells in your body. Your immune system uses something called lymph to carry water and nutrients to your blood cells.

  • Fights kidney stones and general ailments

if you’re prone to getting sick, drinking three liters can help fight infections, clear allergies, and kidney stones.  
  • Weight loss

Water can curb your appetite and since it devoid of calories, it can help you reduce calorie intake. Drinking 500ml of water before each meal is a great way to do so. Oftentimes, when people think they are hungry, they are actually simply dehydrated.
  • Gives you energy:
Ever heard of the saying “ it quenches your thirst”, well the saying is true.By keeping yourself hydrated, you can give yourself more energy and perform better mentally and physically.
  • Normal bowel movements:
Drinking water helps aids digestion and removes waste. So if you are having constipated bowel incontinence, drinking three liters of water a day will help that.  Drinking water with a lemon in the mornings before breakfast can help bloating and digestion as well.
  • Increases mental and physical performance:

    When we don’t drink enough fluids like water, our mental capacity can decrease. Humans cannot live or function properly without h20, which is why athletes can suffer from hypovolemia (a disorder that causes decrease of blood plasma)

    • Prevents headaches
    Water can help cure hangovers as well as headaches. If you want to go an all natural en route and not take medicine, the great thing is water is readily available anywhere and it’s cheap in the United States.
      • Prevent cramps:

    For the ladies, it can help prevent cramps – You may be experiencing either an electrolyte imbalance or even a mineral deficiency. When you’re on a menstrual cycle, your muscles are contracting even more so drinking three liters daily will help your muscles.  



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