As subcutaneous fat is much harder to shred than visceral, we must allocate more time to aerobic training – or cardiovascular exercise (cardio). Harvard Medical School recommends moderate-intensity cardio exercise in durations of no less than 30 minutes per day. Intermittent exercise sessions (2-3 days per week, for example) will not yield much if any measurable decreases in subcutaneous fat levels.The American College of Sports Medicine states it may take between 60 to 90 minutes of aerobic training, up to five times per week, for some individuals to lose weight. The good news is that this recommended duration needn’t be completed in one single session. Subcutaneous body fat can be eliminated in multiple workout sessions throughout the day.An alternative to moderate-intensity cardio is interval training – a more intense form of cardio. Interval training is just alternating the high-low intensity of each movement during the workout. The main benefit of interval training is that you can expedite the fat-burning process – an excellent solution for those dealing with a tight schedule.
Though cardio and interval training is thought to be the superlative method of eliminating subcutaneous fat, experts state that we shouldn’t be dismissive of weight training – and its myriad of benefits. The main advantage of weight training is that it boosts metabolic rate and burns calories, even while at rest.In fact, there are some experts within the nutritional, physiological, and/or medical communities that cite weight training superior to aerobic activities when it comes to burning subcutaneous fat. More specifically, interval training using weights is deemed a better method of burning subcutaneous fat than interval training or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise alone.Regardless, effective weight circuit training will target all the main muscle areas – upper and lower body – and efficiently reduce the fat composition within these areas. The end result: your body shreds fat and, eventually, appears more toned.