Look closely at the eyes and choose the most attractive to you

The human eye is extremely mind boggling, excellent and charming. Take a gander at the eyes intently and pick the one that is instantly most engaging and alluring to you. Try not to consider it too long, simply pick, and discover what your decision says in regards to your identity.

Personality Test Results: 1
You are an open individual. You are the type of person who is willing to welcome anyone into your life and heart. You strongly believe that it is better to take a slight risk on people and to even get hurt than to close yourself from the world.
You have fears and insecurities but you do not show it out to people. You prefer to deal with problems privately. You always try to be there for your family and friends, even if you are hurting inside. Through helping others, you heal.
Personality Test Results: 2
You are a Conscientious person. You are always looking to make a good impression to others. You look to always do the right thing. You believe your right actions will make a difference in the lives of others, even if they are small. If you are upset or have concerns, you hide it from the world. You could have a lot of misery that you keep to yourself.
You devote yourself in being the best person that you can. You feel that this is the least you can do with your time in this world.

Personality Test Results: 3
Deep down in your heart, you are tortured. Deep down in your heart, you are tortured. You are a person who had a tumultuous past that you still remember clearly today. It still affects you. You feel that life is some sort of a joke but you try to always find peace with yourself. You never ever show the world your darkest thoughts. You endure a lot and you keep everything to yourself.
However, your outlook can be surprisingly bright at times. Even if you fall, you are good at picking yourself up again.
Personality Test Results: 4
You are a philosophical individual. You tend to over think everything and anything. You enjoy getting to the deepest meaning of things. You can get lost in your own thoughts. You never display to the world how unsure you are about things.
You are a confident person although you may still be figuring things out. Life is like a puzzle to you, you are playing with the pieces until they fit. You may never ever realise the meaning of life, but you are perfectly fine with that.

Personality Test Results: 5
You are mysterious. You are the type of individual who do not know yourself. You haven’t figured who you really are. You have quick mood changes daily and you are a mash up of many contradictions. You prefer not to show others much about yourself. You speak little and do not mix around well. Your actions are confusing and you prefer to observe people before you make a move. Things that you say are only when you are very sure of.
Personality Test Results: 6
You are very sensitive. You tend to notice almost everything and you do not forget things. You are very in sync with the world. You are sensitive and sometimes the little things can affect you greatly. You can be brought to laughter or tears easily. You do not show the world the fragile person you are. Instead, you prefer to display to others how insightful you are. You can anticipate things well and are always the first one to see what is coming up next.
Personality Test Results: 7
You are a fiery individual. You have plenty of energy and passion for life. There is nothing subtle about you. You either hate something or love it. You are filled with opinions, and you make decisions extremely fast. You hide from the world how anxious you can be. Because of the energy you have, it can make you quite nervous. Everything seems to have high stakes for you, you cannot help it but build up the drama in your head. Take it easy sometimes.
Personality Test Results: 8
You are an eccentric person. You have unusual interests, beliefs and practices. Through your life, you have always been a weirdo. You have no regard for rules, norms or tradition. You prefer to do things your way. You are comfortable in letting the world know who you are. You just laugh off people who judge you.
You sincerely hope that there are more people like you. You have a lot of joy in being the non-conformist you are.
Personality Test Results: 9

You are a intuitive person. You understand people well. You do not let out on how much you know though. You are a good judge of character and behavior, you can tell alot from someone’s facial expressions or tone of voice. If someone is lying, you definitely know. You show the world exactly what you want to show. You know how you are being read by others as well. You know when someone is trying to manipulate you. You can manipulate someone if you want to. However, you usually do not resort to it!



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