We Are All In The Gutter But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars

“We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.”
What does this famous quote by Oscar Wilde actually mean?
How do you interpret his words?
What meaning do you give these words?

“We are all in the gutter 
but some of us are looking at the stars.”

Our interpretation: We ALL have our own challenges and issues, unique to us.
 No-one goes through life without challenges. The difference in the quality of life we live, is how we respond to those challenges and what MEANING we give them. Some of us choose to see only the “gutter” -
 the pain, the problems, the struggle. Some, however choose to look at the stars. To dream of better. To BELIEVE there is better. To FOCUS on the positive and work toward making something magical of this life. Your life is what you make it. You can be happy with little, or miserable with much. You can make A LOT from a little. Or lose everything from having a lot. Everything comes down to YOU. How you decide to live each day. What meaning you give to each challenge. What ACTIONS you decide to take each moment, of each day. Some choose to throw in the towel, they say they will never make it because “this” happened… and because that person did this to me”. They frequently blame others for their misfortune and constantly play the “luck” card. On the flip side, some who face massive challenges and big life issues choose to react differently, they will rise early knowing that every day is a new day, and a new opportunity. Knowing that no yesterday has control over how you react today. Knowing that today, and right now YOU CAN take the first step towards turning your life into something far greater than you ever imagined. Take a step forward today, no matter how small, then another step tomorrow and another the next day… and always ensure you are moving forward. Always ensure you are looking at the stars 
(Keeping your goals, and dreams in the forefront of your mind) Remaining alert to opportunities, seeking opportunities to move forward and capitalising when they arrive. Next time you are in a challenging moment, know that you can remain down, play the victim role as most do, give up as most do, use the event as a reason why you didn’t make it, also as most do, or you can do what the minority do, which is decide you are greater than any challenge, and it is never about how great the challenges in your life – see you will only ever be defined by how you react to your challenging moments. Stay strong, remain hungry and always be looking UP, at the stars. See the reality of life is we are never given more than we can actually handle So whether it’s a tragic event, loss of a job, failed test bad business venture or scandal You have everything inside to conquer the adversity, persevere and win So push those clouds of despair to the side and make room for the rays of sunshine that represent success followed by big smile and a grin Because you have now officially climbed up out of that mental gutter and broke a vicious cycle And now you carry the title and can proclaim victory in a world where survival (of the fittest) Is the land of the law, but now the world stands in awe of you because you chose to turn misery into mastery, pain into passion, dilemma into diligence, reckless into resilience, Average into amazing, lazy into legendary and helplessness into hard work And we all know hard work pays off and since you took no days off and never looked back The fact of the matter is you made the choice to shoot for the moon because you understood that even if you missed you would still land amongst the stars!



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