How To Get Rid Of Belly Fast


The rumen is one of the problems that bothers many. It is the accumulation of body fat in the abdominal area, which is known scientifically as the mean obesity or obesity associated with the male sex, as defined by the apple, and the accumulation of fat in this region is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, The risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer, although this type of obesity is more prevalent in men, but it also exists in women, especially after menopause (2). After diagnosing obesity using BMI (3), moderate obesity is diagnosed by using a waist circumference measurement. This measurement should not exceed 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men (1).

Ways to get rid of rumen quickly

The best way to lose excess weight and stress is by combining diet, sports and lifestyle changes into a gradual health pattern (2), (3). Gradual routes are more successful than highways or complete loss of rashes in a short period of time, Diet is the basis of weight loss as the reduction of calorie intake occurs imbalance in energy in the body, burning the body fat to compensate for the lack of energy intake (5), and when losing weight and body fat you lose belly fat, 4 However, Closely between exercise, especially aerobic exercises, Especially abdominal fat that surrounds important organs. Regular aerobic exercise for at least 10 hours a week for several weeks has been shown to reduce abdominal fat and thus reduce the risk of abdominal fat-related diseases and death (5) .

Rumen disposal exercises

Scientific research has found a positive relationship between aerobic exercise medium to severe severe for at least 8 weeks and the elimination of rumen fat, where the more exercise of this type of exercise increased the amount of fat to be disposed of the body, and also found positive results of resistance exercises ( 7), but certainly an appropriate diet regime should be followed with exercise so as not to eat too much calories (4). Examples of aerobic exercises that can be used to get rid of rumen:

Walk fast or jog
Fixed bike
Jump using the rope
Any other type of aerobic exercise or aerobic classes

Resistance exercises can also be added to improve fat burning in the body, ie exercise based on weight or body weight (7), and abdominal muscle resistance exercises may be practiced until this area is tightened.

Discharge rumen diet

There is no specific diet for the loss of rumen fat without other body fat. In order to lose the rumen with diet, a low-calorie diet should be followed for weight loss, and a reliable dietitian should be consulted so that the wrong diet is not followed by highly promoted diets that spread among people without Have a sound scientific and health basis (4). As an example of a weight-loss diet, the following diet gives 1,500 calories, but you should not follow this or any other diet without consulting your doctor or nutritionist to assess your health and nutritional status and make sure there is nothing to prevent.



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